
General competition overview
Fisherman of all the parts of the globe, encounter each other on the biggest forest and river of the planet, facing giant monsters of the river, competing for the title of Amazon Fishing Master. This is the Great Amazon World Fishing Rally.

The provisions and goals
Participants must comply and obey all rules established by the organizing committee and responsible bodies (Ministry of Fisheries / Agriculture, IBAMA);

The event will take place from July 14th to 23th, 2023, in the city of Luiz Alves in the state of Goiás.
The fishery starts at 7am and closes at 5pm. The teams can enter and leave the river as they wish, within that time.

Great Amazon Fishing Rally Rules
Great Amazon Fishing Rally Rules
The Great Amazon Fishing Rally is an endurance fishing tournament in the Amazon where participants compete to win the tournament by catching 7 different species of target fish over the course of the 5 days of the tournament and earning points for each.
On the third day of the tournament, a special stage is set up
The winner will be determined by the number of fish caught on that day.
If you fail to catch the specified target fish, you will be penalized with minus points.
This is a grueling fishing rally that tests each angler’s reading and strategy.
The 20 contestants are from Japan, the U.S.A., China, Brazil, and Thailand.
Japan, the United States, China, Brazil, and Thailand.
Equal number of male and female participants.

Species, Size and Points
- TUCUNARE (peacock bass) 45cm > 10 points
- DOURADA 45cm > 40 points
- ARUANA(Arowana) 60cm > 30 points
- CRUVINA (freshwater rockfish) 30cm > 30 points
- PIRARUCU 90cm > 600 points
- PIRARARA(Red tail cat fish) 80cm > 600 points
※400 points for SS Day live bait fishing - PIRAIBA (Piraiba catfish) 100cm > 1200 points
※800 points for SS Day live bait fishing

1. Basic Rules & Regulations
- Catch one or more qualifying fish of the minimum size (keeper size) on the specified dates and at the specified location (see “Appendix 2: Competition Target Fish ” for the fish to be caught in the competition and their sizes). “Fishing Points” are added for each fish caught.
- If no fish are caught, a penalty will be imposed for each qualifying fish. (However, if either Piraiba or Pirarara are caught, no penalty will be imposed.)
- The competitor with the highest total number of Fishing Points throughout the competition period (5 days) will be awarded the title of “Amazon Fishing Master”.

2. Catching Fish
- A fish is considered “caught” when the entire body of the fish is brought onto the boat. However, in the case of Piraiba, Pirarucu, and Pirarara exceeding 1 meter in length, which cannot be brought onto the boat, they will be considered caught when the fish is brought to the side of the boat (boat’s edge), no longer resists, and is measured at the side of the boat (boat’s edge), shoal, or near the shore.
- Landing fish need to be done by the competitor alone and receiving assistance from a non-competitor is prohibited. If a competitor is found to have caught a qualifying fish with the help of a non-competitor, the Fishing Points earned for that fish will be invalid.
- The length of the qualifying fish shall be measured as the straight-line distance from the rostrum (tip of the fish’s head) to the caudal fin, with the fish’s mouth completely closed and tail spread open. Arowana, Piraiba, and other fish with beards or filaments (thread-like fins extending from the tip of the caudal fin, etc.) shall be measured in the same manner as qualifying fish, but beards and filaments shall not be included in the size of the fish.

3. Fish Measurements
- The Reception Card/Fishing Record Sheet must be kept by the competitor, and only fish measured by the judges using the Official Tournament Measuring Scale may be recorded on the Fishing Record Sheet.
- For the sake of accuracy and fairness, no Fishing Points will be awarded for fish caught using scales other than the Official Tournament Measuring Scale.
- When the judges are confirming the measurements of a fish, assistance from a pilot or cameraman (GAFRA cameraman or a cameraman from other media) is allowed.
- The results of the measurements must be confirmed and finalized by the judges at the location where the fish was caught.
- The judges shall record the catch time, measured size, and species of the fish caught on the Fishing Record Sheet, the competitors shall make sure that there is no error in that information, and both parties shall sign the check area to confirm that the information is correct. Any record of a caught fish that is not signed by both parties shall be considered invalid.
- Competitors must not force the judges to make false statements or misrepresent the size of the fish.
- It is advisable to take regular photographs or videos of the information on the Fishing Record Sheet in order to have maintain a record in the event that it is lost and to demonstrate the accuracy of the records.
- Fishing Points will not be awarded for lost Fishing Record Sheets. However, if the Fishing Record Sheet was captured on video by a competitor or a cameraman (GAFRA cameraman or a cameraman from other media), Fishing Points may be allowed if the Competition Committee can confirm it along with the video footage.

4. Dead Fish
- In the interest of catch-and-release, competitors must make every effort to ensure that the fish they catch does not die and must make their best efforts to return the fish alive to the river.
- If the judges find that a dead fish was intentionally produced, a penalty may be imposed.

5. Competition Hours
- The competition hours are from 7:00am to 5:00pm. Competitors must complete the competition and return receptions at the specified times during the competition period.
- Competitors who have completed the competition reception will be given a Reception Card/Fishing Record Sheet. Competitors who are late for the start of the competition (based on the time that the Reception Card/Fishing Record Sheets are distributed) will be penalized 10 points for every minute they are late. If a competitor does not complete reception 15 minutes after the start time, they will be penalized 150 points and disqualified for the day.
- Competitors must complete the competition reception together with their pilots and receive a Reception Card/Fishing Record Sheet and the Official Tournament Measuring Scale. The Reception Card/Fishing Record Sheet must be kept by the competitor and must be returned each time the competitor completes the return reception.
- The start shall be made one boat at a time in the order of boat numbers to ensure maximum safety (the start order will be reversed on the following day).
- Return reception is considered completed when the competitor’s Reception Card/Fishing Record Sheet is returned to the reception desk and received by reception staff. If a competitor is late for the competition end time, they will be penalized 10 points for every minute that they are late. If a competitor does not return 15 minutes after the end time, they will be penalized 150 points and disqualified for the day.
- In the event that return is delayed due to outboard motor failure, damage to the boat, or other problems that the competitor cannot avoid, the judges, pilot, GAFRA cameraman, and Competition Committee shall discuss the situation, and a decision will be made as to whether or not it is considered a late return. In the same manner, the judges, pilot, GAFRA cameraman, and Competition Committee shall deliberate and take necessary measures in the event of an unavoidable early return due to outboard motor failure, damage to the boat, or other problems, or in the event that a pilot, judge, or cameraman becomes unwell.
- In the event of outboard motor failure, damage to the boat, or other problems, or if a pilot, judge, or photographer becomes unwell, the best and appropriate measures shall be taken on the spot, such as transferring to a traveling media boat, and if necessary, returning as soon as possible.

6. Boats & Capacity
- Competitors shall each use one boat per person, all of approximately the same size and equipped with an outboard motor of approximately the same horsepower, provided by the organizer. This does not apply to judges’ boats.
- Competitors’ boats may carry up to three persons: the competitor, a pilot, and a cameraman. judges’ boats shall have a maximum of three persons on board: the judge (who is also the pilot) and up to two cameramen.

7. Tackle & Equipment
- Only lures may be used; the use of live bait or any other item considered as live bait is prohibited. Violations may result in disqualification. However, only in the Special Stage (SS) (Catfish Challenge Day), catfish (Piraiba and Pirarara) caught with lures as live bait will be recognized as a catch. Points will also be granted for qualifying fish caught with lures in the Special Stage (SS).
- Use of more than one rod and reel at the same time, including stationary rods, will result in disqualification. However, only in the Special Stage (SS), anglers are allowed to use more than one rod and reel at the same time, including stationary rods.
- Trolling is prohibited, but dragging is permitted. Dragging is defined as the use of wind or current and is considered trolling if an engine is used.
- The use of landing nets and fish grips (boga grips) is permitted. The use of gaffs is prohibited.
- The bringing and use of fish finders (sonar) is prohibited.
- The bringing of electric outboard motors is prohibited.

8. Competition Area & Movement
- The competition area shall be the area of water (including connected waters and dammed lakes in the event of rising water) that can be reached from the starting point and back with one 25-liter tank of fuel. However, prohibited areas designated by the Competition Committee are excluded.
- In waters connected to the river, when entry is difficult due to fallen trees or other obstacles, it is permitted to remove them with machetes, saws, or other manpower and proceed beyond them. The use of chain saws or other equipment is prohibited.
- A competitor may push their own boat manually with the help of the pilot and the cameraman on board their boat. Pushing the boat with the help of other competitors or others is prohibited.
- Shore fishing after landing and moving on foot are permitted.
- Removal of the outboard motor is permitted.
- Returning on land or by land transportation is not permitted.
- During the competition, all related parties (pilots, judges, photographers, etc.), including competitors, are prohibited from traveling in any vehicle (automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, airplane, helicopter, marine jet, etc.) or another boat (cruiser, etc.) other than the boat being used for the competition. However, this excludes time-sensitive situations in which the life or death of those involved may be at stake.