Category Archives: NEWS

【Media Listing】Gazeta do Estado

Os empresários Keisuke Onoda e Chihiro Yamamoto organizam a 1ª Edição do Torneio Internacional de Pesca Esportiva – GAWFR, de 20 a 27 de Junho, no município de Luiz Alves – GO, noroeste goiano. Profissionais e amantes da pescaria do mundo inteiro (Japão, EUA, Brasil e outros países) disputarão o 1º título de ‘Amazon Fishing Master’ no palco do “Great Amazon World Fishing Rally”. O evento social, cultural e ecológico conectará os competidores com todos os moradores locais, usando equipamentos modernos e técnicas sustentáveis.

【Media Listing】In mag

The businessmen Keisuke Onoda and Chihiro Yamamoto organize the first edition of Sport Fishing International Tournament – GAWFR, from 20 to 27/06, in the city of Luiz Alves – GO, northwest Goiás. Professionals and fishing enthusiasts from all over the world (Japan, USA, Brazil, and others countries) dispute the first title of “Amazon Fishing Master” on the stage of “Great Amazon World Fishing Rally”. The social event, cultural and ecological will connect the competitors with all locals, using modern equipment and sustainable techniques. Foto: Luciano Ohyal. Information: 62 3535 1174 – –

【Media Listing】O Popular

The businessmen Keisuke Onoda and Chihiro Yamamoto organize the first edition of Sport Fishing Internation Tournament (GAWFR), between the days 20 and 27 of june, in Luiz Alves. Professionals and fishing enthusiasts from all over the world, as Japan and USA, will dispute the first title of Amazon Fishing Master on the stage of the Great Amazon World Fishing Rally.

Support of the City of Sao Miguel do Araguaia in the World Fishing Rally

Support of the City of Sao Miguel do Araguaia in the World Fishing Rally

The World Fishing Rally will be held with the official support of the City of Sao Miguel do Araguaia.
We are glad to announce that the city officially approved the event on January 30.
From now on, we will deliver the infrastructure of the competition with the support of the city and also publicize the event in collaboration with the Municipality of Sao Miguel do Araguaia.